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・ Index of physics articles (R)

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Index of physics articles (D) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of physics articles (D)
The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.
To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.

*D'Alembert's paradox
*D'Alembert's principle
*D'Alembert force
*D'Alembert–Euler condition
*D. Van Holliday
*D0 experiment
*DEEP2 Redshift Survey
*DELPHI experiment
*DGP model
*DIDO (nuclear reactor)
*DIII-D (fusion reactor)
*DNA condensation
*DNG metamaterial
*DUMAND Project
*D meson
*Daan Frenkel
*Dai Chuanzeng
*Dale A. Anderson
*Dalitz plot
*Dallas Abbott
*Dalton's law
*Daly detector
*Damping matrix
*Damping torque
*Dan Danknick
*Dan Jacobo Beninson
*Dan McKenzie (geophysicist)
*Dan Shechtman
*Danah Zohar
*Dangerously irrelevant operator
*Dangling bond
*Daniel Bernoulli
*Daniel C. Tsui
*Daniel Chonghan Hong
*Daniel D. Joseph
*Daniel Frank Walls
*Daniel Friedan
*Daniel Frost Comstock
*Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
*Daniel Gillespie
*Daniel Gottesman
*Daniel Gralath
*Daniel Isaachsen (physicist)
*Daniel Joseph Bradley
*Daniel Kastler
*Daniel Kleppner
*Daniel L. Stein
*Daniel Lidar
*Daniel Loss
*Daniel Webster Hering
*Daniel Z. Freedman
*Daniel Zajfman
*Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics
*Dante Tessieri
*Darcy's law
*Darcy friction factor formulae
*Darcy–Weisbach equation
*Daresbury Laboratory
*Dark-energy-dominated era
*Dark-energy star
*Dark current (physics)
*Dark energy
*Dark flow
*Dark fluid
*Dark galaxy
*Dark matter
*Dark optical trap
*Dark radiation
*Dark star (Newtonian mechanics)
*Dark star (dark matter)
*Dark state
*Dart leader
*Darwin–Radau equation
*Darwin drift
*Data acquisition
*Data analysis
*Daulat Singh Kothari
*Dave Green (astrophysicist)
*Dave Thomas (physicist)
*Davey–Stewartson equation
*David A. Frank-Kamenetskii
*David A. Weitz
*David Adler (physicist)
*David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics
*David Allan Bromley
*David Alter
*David Avison
*David Awschalom
*David B. Kaplan
*David B. Malament
*David Bates (physicist)
*David Berenstein
*David Blair (physicist)
*David Bohm
*David Brewster
*David Callaway
*David Carroll (physicist)
*David Ceperley
*David Chandler (chemist)
*David Chapman (scientist)
*David Cockayne
*David Cohen (physicist)
*David Crighton
*David Delano Clark
*David Deming
*David Deutsch
*David Douglass
*David Dunlap Observatory
*David E. Aspnes
*David E. Goldman
*David E. Kaplan
*David E. Pritchard
*David Enskog
*David Evans (mathematician)
*David Faiman
*David Field (astrophysicist)
*David Finkelstein
*David Flower
*David Goodstein
*David Griffiths (physicist)
*David Gross
*David H. Frisch
*David H. Lyth
*David H. Munro
*David Halliday (physicist)
*David Hanna
*David Hestenes
*David Hilbert
*David J. Brenner
*David J. C. MacKay
*David J. Lockwood
*David J. Smith (physicist)
*David J. Thouless
*David Jaffray
*David John Candlin
*David K. Ferry
*David Kaiser
*David Keynes Hill
*David Klyshko
*David L. Fried
*David L. Webster
*David Lee (physicist)
*David Lindley (physicist)
*David M. Dennison
*David McNiven Garner
*David Medved
*David Mermin
*David Mervyn Blow
*David N. Payne
*David Norman (ornithologist)
*David Olive
*David P. Landau
*David Parry (biophysicist)
*David Pegg (physicist)
*David Pines
*David R. Nygren
*David Reitze
*David Robert Nelson
*David Ruelle
*David S. Cafiso
*David Saltzberg
*David Schramm (astrophysicist)
*David Shoenberg
*David Spergel
*David States
*David Strangway
*David Tabor
*David Todd Wilkinson
*David Vanderbilt
*David W. Turner
*David Wallace (physicist)
*David Wands
*David Willey (physicist)
*David William Dye
*Davidson correction
*Davisson–Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics
*Davisson–Germer experiment
*Davydov soliton
*Dawes' limit
*Dawn chorus (electromagnetic)
*Day length
*Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
*Daylight factor
*Dayton Miller
*Dbx (noise reduction)
*DeWitt Bristol Brace
*DeWitt notation
*De Broglie–Bohm theory
*De Bruijn graph
*De Haas–van Alphen effect
*De Laval nozzle
*De Magnete
*De Sitter double star experiment
*De Sitter invariant special relativity
*De Sitter precession
*De Sitter space
*De Sitter universe
*De Sitter–Schwarzschild metric
*De motu corporum in gyrum
*De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
*Dead time
*Dean number
*Deane B. Judd
*Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries
*Debendra Mohan Bose
*Deborah S. Jin
*Deborah number
*Debra Searles
*Debye frequency
*Debye model
*Debye relaxation
*Debye sheath
*Debye–Falkenhagen effect
*Debye–Waller factor
*Decay chain
*Decay energy
*Decay heat
*Decay product
*Deceleration parameter
*Decoy state
*Deep-dose equivalent
*Deep-level transient spectroscopy
*Deep-level trap
*Deep Impact (spacecraft)
*Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory
*Deep inelastic scattering
*Defining equation (physical chemistry)
*Defining equation (physics)
*Deflected slipstream
*Deflection (physics)
*Defocus aberration
*Deformable body
*Deformation (engineering)
*Deformation (mechanics)
*Degasperis–Procesi equation
*Degenerate energy levels
*Degenerate matter
*Degenerate orbital
*Degree of coherence
*Degree of ionization
*Degrees of freedom (physics and chemistry)
*Dejan Milošević
*Delaunay tessellation field estimator
*Delayed choice quantum eraser
*Delayed nuclear radiation
*Delocalized electron
*Delta-v (physics)
*Delta-v budget
*Delta baryon
*Delta potential
*Delta ray
*Delta wing
*Demagnetizing field
*Dember effect
*Demetrios Christodoulou
*Demetrius Hondros
*Democratic principle
*Denaturation (fissile materials)
*Dendrite (metal)
*Deng Jiaxian
*Denis Evans
*Denis Papin
*Denis Rousseau
*Denis Weaire
*Dennis Dieks
*Dennis Gabor
*Dennis William Sciama
*Dense plasma focus
*Density functional theory
*Density matrix
*Density matrix renormalization group
*Density of air
*Density of states
*Density wave theory
*Denys Wilkinson
*Denys Wilkinson Building
*Department of Applied Science, UC Davis
*Department of Atomic Energy (India)
*Departure function
*Depolarization ratio
*Deposition (aerosol physics)
*Deposition (phase transition)
*Depression storage capacity
*Depth of field
*Depth–slope product
*Derek Abbott
*Derek Barton
*Derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations
*Deriving the Schwarzschild solution
*Desert (particle physics)
*Desmond King-Hele
*Detached eddy simulation
*Detailed balance
*Detection of internally reflected Cherenkov light
*Deterministic system
*Detlef Quadfasel
*Detlev Buchholz
*Deuterium-depleted water
*Deuterium burning
*Deutsche Physik
*Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
*Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
*Dew point
*Dew point depression
*Dexter electron transfer
*Dextrorotation and levorotation
*Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
*Dialysis tubing
*Dialyt lens
*Dialyte lens
*Diamond Light Source
*Diamond anvil cell
*Diamond cubic
*Diamond dust
*Diamond knife
*Diaphragm (acoustics)
*Diaphragm (mechanical device)
*Diatomic carbon
*Dichroic filter
*Dick Teresi
*Diederik Korteweg
*Dielectric barrier discharge
*Dielectric breakdown model
*Dielectric complex reluctance
*Dielectric dispersion
*Dielectric heating
*Dielectric mirror
*Dielectric relaxation
*Dielectric reluctance
*Dielectric spectroscopy
*Dielectric strength
*Dielectric wall accelerator
*Diesel cycle
*Dieter Langbein
*Dieter Lüst
*Dieter Matthaei
*Dieter Weichert
*Dietrich Küchemann
*Diffeomorphism constraint
*Difference density map
*Differential entropy
*Differential rotation
*Differential scanning calorimetry
*Differential stress
*Diffraction-limited system
*Diffraction grating
*Diffraction standard
*Diffraction tomography
*Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment
*Diffuse element method
*Diffuse reflection
*Diffuse sky radiation
*Diffuser (optics)
*Diffusing-wave spectroscopy
*Diffusion (acoustics)
*Diffusion current
*Diffusion damping
*Diffusion equation
*Digital holographic microscopy
*Digital magnetofluidics
*Digital philosophy
*Digital physics
*Digital room correction
*Dihedral (aircraft)
*Dilution of precision (GPS)
*Dimensional analysis
*Dimensional deconstruction
*Dimensional reduction
*Dimensional regularization
*Dimensional transmutation
*Dimensionless Hubble parameter
*Dimensionless physical constant
*Dimensionless quantity
*Dimitri Nalivkin
*Dimitri Nanopoulos
*Dimitri Riabouchinsky
*Diocotron instability
*Diode-pumped solid-state laser
*Dioptric correction
*Dip circle
*Dipan Ghosh
*Dipankar Home
*Dipolar polarization
*Dipole (disambiguation)
*Dipole anisotropy
*Dipole magnet
*Dipole model of the Earth's magnetic field
*Dipole–dipole attraction
*Dirac Prize
*Dirac adjoint
*Dirac delta function
*Dirac equation
*Dirac equation in the algebra of physical space
*Dirac fermion
*Dirac large numbers hypothesis
*Dirac operator
*Dirac sea
*Dirac spinor
*Dirac string
*Direct-current discharge
*Direct and indirect band gaps
*Direct laser lithography
*Direct laser writing
*Direct numerical simulation
*Direct quantum chemistry
*Directed-energy weapon
*Directed percolation
*Directional-hemispherical reflectance
*Directional Recoil Identification From Tracks
*Directional sound
*Directional stability
*Dirichlet problem
*Dirk Bouwmeester
*Dirk Brockmann
*Dirk Coster
*Dirk Kreimer
*Dirk Polder
*Dirk Reuyl
*Dirk ter Haar
*Disc permeameter
*Discharge pressure
*Discotic liquid crystal
*Discoveries of extrasolar planets
*Discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation
*Discrete Lorentzian quantum gravity
*Discrete dipole approximation
*Discrete dipole approximation codes
*Discrete element method
*Discrete optimized protein energy
*Discrete spectrum (physics)
*Discrete symmetry
*Disorder operator
*Dispersion-shifted fiber
*Dispersion (optics)
*Dispersion (physics)
*Dispersion (radiation)
*Dispersion (water waves)
*Dispersion relation
*Dispersive mass transfer
*Dispersive prism
*Displacement (fluid)
*Displacement (vector)
*Displacement current
*Displacement field (mechanics)
*Displacement operator
*Displacement thickness
*Displayed average noise level
*Disruptive discharge
*Dissipation factor
*Dissipative particle dynamics
*Dissipative system
*Dissociative recombination
*Dissymmetry of lift
*Distance measures (cosmology)
*Distance modulus
*Distortion (optics)
*Distortion free energy density
*Distributed Bragg reflector
*Distributed acoustic sensing
*Distributed feedback laser
*Distribution function
*Divergence theorem
*Dmitri Ivanenko
*Dmitri Skobeltsyn
*Dmitri Z. Garbuzov
*Dmitry Dmitrievich Maksutov
*Dmitry Shirkov
*Dmitry Zubarev
*Dmrg of Heisenberg model
*Does God Play Dice? The New Mathematics of Chaos
*Dogan Abukay
*Domain theory of ferromagnetism
*Domain wall (magnetism)
*Domain wall (optics)
*Domain wall (string theory)
*Domenico Pacini
*Dominique Lorentz
*Don Hendrix
*Don Kirkham
*Don L. Anderson
*Don Misener
*Donald A. Glaser
*Donald Braben
*Donald Cooksey
*Donald Ginsberg
*Donald H. Weingarten
*Donald Hill Perkins
*Donald J. Hughes
*Donald Keck
*Donald Lynden-Bell
*Donald MacCrimmon MacKay
*Donald Marolf
*Donald N. Langenberg
*Donald R. F. Harleman
*Donald R. Herriott
*Donald William Kerst
*Donor (semiconductors)
*Donor impurity
*Doping (semiconductor)
*Doppler broadening
*Doppler cooling
*Doppler cooling limit
*Doppler effect
*Doppler spectroscopy
*Dorothy Nickerson
*Dorte Juul Jensen
*Dose fractionation
*Double-exchange mechanism
*Double-slit experiment
*Double Chooz
*Double beta decay
*Double diffusive convection
*Double electron capture
*Double inverted pendulum
*Double ionization
*Double negative metamaterial
*Double negative metamaterials
*Double pendulum
*Doublet (lens)
*Doublet state
*Doublet–triplet splitting problem
*Doubly ionized oxygen
*Doubly special relativity
*Doughnut theory of the universe
*Douglas Hartree
*Douglas Osheroff
*Douglas P. Verret
*Douglas Ross (physicist)
*Douglas Sea Scale
*Douglas Warrick
*Down quark
*Downhill folding
*Downton pump
*Drag-resistant aerospike
*Drag (fluid mechanics)
*Drag (physics)
*Drag Polar
*Drag coefficient
*Drag count
*Drag crisis
*Drag divergence Mach number
*Drag equation
*Dragon reactor
*Draupner wave
*Drell–Yan process
*Drift (plasma physics)
*Drift current
*Drift velocity
*Drinking bird
*Driven oscillations
*Drop (liquid)
*Drude model
*Drummond Matthews
*Dry-bulb temperature
*Dry ice
*Du Noüy ring method
*Du Qinghua
*Dual lattice
*Dual polarization interferometry
*Dual resonance model
*Dual superconductor model
*Dual tensor
*Duality (electricity and magnetism)
*Duane H. Cooper
*Duane–Hunt law
*Ducted propeller
*Dudley Williams (physicist)
*Duhamel's integral
*Duhem–Margules equation
*Dulong–Petit law
*Dumb hole
*Duncan Haldane
*Duncan J. Watts
*Duncan T. Moore
*Durmus A. Demir
*Duru–Kleinert transformation
*Dust (relativity)
*Dust devil
*Dust solution
*Dusty plasma
*Dutch roll
*Dušan Ristanović
*Dušanka Đokić
*Dwarf galaxy problem
*Dwarf planet
*Dye-sensitized solar cell
*Dye laser
*Dynamic aperture
*Dynamic aperture (accelerator physics)
*Dynamic equilibrium
*Dynamic light scattering
*Dynamic modulus
*Dynamic nuclear polarisation
*Dynamic pressure
*Dynamic scattering mode
*Dynamic speckle
*Dynamic stall
*Dynamic structure factor
*Dynamical billiards
*Dynamical friction
*Dynamical horizon
*Dynamical simulation
*Dynamical symmetry breaking
*Dynamical system
*Dynamical system (definition)
*Dynamical theory of diffraction
*Dynamical time scale
*Dynamics (mechanics)
*Dynamics of Markovian particles
*Dynamics of the celestial spheres
*Dynamo theory
*Dyson's eternal intelligence
*Dyson series
*Dysprosium titanate
*Dénes Berényi
*Désiré van Monckhoven
*Détecteur à Grande Acceptance pour la Physique Photonucléaire Expérimentale (DAPHNE)
*Dühring's rule

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